Portables​ polysomnographs

What is a portable polysomnography ?

Polysomnography is a non-invasive examination used to diagnose various sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, insomnia or narcolepsy. More comprehensive than ventilatory polygraphy, it simultaneously records several physiological parameters over the course of a night, which is why it is often performed in laboratories or sleep clinics, although home recording is also possible. The equipment includes :

  • Sensors used in ventilatory polygraphy (a nasal cannula, an oximeter, two inductive straps, a brightness sensor, a positioning sensor, a movement sensor, and our PneaVoX sensor).
  • Electroencephalograms (EEG) to measure brain activity.
  • Electro-oculograms (EOG) to measure eye activity.
  • Electromyograms (EMG) to measure muscle activity (chin and legs).
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) to measure muscle activity.


In addition to detecting respiratory abnormalities during sleep, this examination enables us to analyze the different stages of sleep, nocturnal micro-awakenings, movements and cardiac abnormalities. It thus provides elements for diagnosing other disorders, such as pathologies linked to sleep architecture or motor disorders.


This portable polysomnograph is capable of recording all the parameters of a ventilatory polygraph and 8 electrophysiological signals for complete sleep analysis (in line with AASM and French RPC recommendations).

An additional pressure channel is also available for connecting a pneumotachograph when the patient is treated with cPAP, biPAP, etc

It is compact, lightweight and completely self-contained. The battery can store up to 12 hours of recording in its internal memory.

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